Below are all the items you need for A101
Below are all the items you need for A101
7 items
6 items
12 items
6 items
4 items
7 items
3 items
11 items
4 items
42 items
29 items
Herron Art Beginning Drawing I, is an introductory class designed to teach students the fundamental techniques and principles of drawing...
1 item
Events hosted by Griffy's Art Supply.
1 item
11 items
Interested in attending an open studio figure drawing session? This kit has all the necessities for charcoal users. Open to...
9 items
Interested in attending an open studio figure drawing session? This kit has all the necessities for graphite users. Open to...
5 items
Interested in attending an open studio figure drawing session? This kit has all the necessities for pen users. Open to...
1 item
1 item
2 items
3 items
17 items
Comprehensive study of design elements and principles through the investigation of two-dimensional space. Students explore basic two-dimensional concepts, such as...
109 highly pigmented color tubes. Holbein Acrylic Gouache moves, reacts, blends and feels like traditional gum arabic gouache. Holbein Acrylic...
24 items
7 items
14 items
10 items
10 items
14 items
1 item
7 items
Drawing with pen is a satisfying challenge, offering a variety of patterns and textures! Join this class to learn bold...
10 items
1 item
1 item
Elli is an illustrator based out of Indianapolis who thrives on making art of her favorite things: haunted houses, woodland...
6 items
8 items
4 items
29 items
2 items
12 items
11 items
1 item
8 items
4 items
4 items
2 items
1 item
16 items
5 items
28 items
2 items
28 items
6 items
11 items
We have worked with the Watercolor Society to put all the supplies you need for your class in one place...
9 items
The list down below does NOT include the actual class. Please purchase your ticket under the events tab or click...